Syria: Troops and rebels support fitted big Aleppo battle

Syria: Troops and rebels support fitted big Aleppo battle

Unread postby Chancey » Tue Jul 31, 2012 2:47 pm

Syrian rebels have stepped up their stockpiling of ammunition and medical supplies in preparation for a grave engagement in Aleppo, a BBC stringer says.
The rebels, who are in supervise unconfined parts of Syria's moment municipality, receive position up checkpoints and sniper positions.
Activists bruit about columns of command troops and tanks are heading near the city from other areas.
Aleppo is the country's commercial choice, and is description to the combat to repress the north of the country.
In someone's bailiwick battles have been reported everywhere Aleppo as far as something on the brink of a week, as rebels adjudge to coop up on to seized neighbourhoods.
The BBC's Ian Pannell next-door the town says thousands of people are leaving as fears grow that an volatile battle is looming.
He says the rebels are reinforcing their ranks with more fighters, medical supplies, and ammunition such as Kalashnikov rifles.
But restive neighbourhoods have been pounded next to artillery, mortars and helicopter gunfire from government forces in recent days.
And troops and tanks were reported to be heading to Aleppo from the town of Hama, and from the bind posts with Turkey in Idlib province.
Activists say it is inappropriate that the rebels will be accomplished to enfold on to the area that they acquire gained if faced with a full invasion from order forces.

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