HST - Vote "Yes" to Extinguish

Re: HST - Vote "Yes" to Extinguish

Unread postby mre2me » Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:04 pm

Any Which Way You Look At it We are Paying More Taxes Than We Were. Not Only Did The Liberals Lie But Once It was Introduced The Tax Is Now On Iteams That Were Exempt Before ..AXE THE H.S.T NOW......!!!!
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Re: HST - Vote "Yes" to Extinguish

Unread postby matt » Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:01 pm

the liberal party, is a party that is way over, nothing but lies and theft of our assets and now they want us to believe, that a huge tax shift is good for us, who do they think they are talking to??? everything they do or say is an out and out lie!
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Re: HST - Vote "Yes" to Extinguish

Unread postby PlaStrO » Fri Jul 01, 2011 1:34 pm

I for one do not believe the liberal lies about lowering tax to %10. Further more, who really cares about HST it's not the big issue here - the big issue is that the Liberals promised not to shift us towards HST, and they did it anyways so who really cares if they're claiming it will drop to %10 within 3 years when their word is good for nothing.

I don't believe Christy Campbell in the least, the liberals have lost their ridings in most of the country and it's time to get them the hell out of BC as well.
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Re: HST - Vote "Yes" to Extinguish

Unread postby Fed-up » Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:54 pm

Before they were saying that when the postal strike is over then we will get our HST voting material in the mail. Now on the news today they said that you need to actually contact someone to request a form.

They are going way out of there way to make sure this "VOTE" comes out in their favour.

What people needed to do last year when they shoved this tax at us, is to "REFUSE TO PAY". Business people that say their business is losing customers because people can't afford to eat out like we used to, needed to "REFUSE TO COLLECT" this ILLEGAL TAX.

Just like back in about 1990 when they shoved the "TEMPORARY" GST on us all, and we all swallowed that and have been eating it ever since.

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Re: HST - Vote "Yes" to Extinguish

Unread postby M. A. Mellor » Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:17 pm

"The truth is the first casualty of war".

Be aware many of the statements being made to convince us to vote for retaining the HST may be incorrect, or even disingenuous, and being made because proponents of this tax stand to greatly benefit financially.

Over 700,000 petitioners against this new HST were aware that this HST hurts seniors and families,
is inflationary, and is bad economics for B.C.

Also realizing this, or as an incentive to gain votes, the new premier has now promised a $120 rebate and a ''fix" to 10 per cent - three years from now. Not nearly good enough according to the numbers. It will still be what it is, a very large tax increase.

Previously, under the old PST, business enjoyed extensive exemptions. Under the HST, large corporations can now pay nothing, and is a very unfair tax, placed on seniors and families and the average working citizen. Businesses normally strive to eliminate labour costs (jobs) with new technology and equipment.

Not being mentioned, and no wonder, is the extensive list of previously tax-exempt items under the PST, and now being taxed an additional seven per cent under the HST. Some of these items are cable television, telephone, taxi fares, bicycles, newspapers, restaurant meals, funeral costs, monthly strata fees, Realtor fees, homerepairs and renovations, home inspections and appraisals, new homes over $525,000, domestic airline flights, movies, haircuts, vitamins, health foods, non prescription drugs, some groceries, accountants and financial services, massage therapy, sports equipment, children's school supplies, and much more. These new additional taxes paid by consumers create inflation, with prices noticeably going up.

By voting "yes" to extinguish the HST, and return to the PST and GST, voters will remove the extra seven per cent additional tax on all of the above items, for a very large annual savings per year.

Also, we will retain provincial jurisdiction and administration over our B.C. sales tax collection
and authority, instead of this being given to Ottawa.

M. A. Mellor

Prince George
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M. A. Mellor

Re: HST - Vote "Yes" to Extinguish

Unread postby dogwalker » Thu Jun 30, 2011 1:01 pm

The scare tactics are not working on me or most people I know. I think at this point some people are now more about making the point to the government that they just can't play people the way they did- that the consumers have had enough of being nickel and dimed to death. Our pockets are empty, this is a recession and it's time they started thinking about budgeting properly rather than grabbing more from the worker.
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Re: HST - Vote "Yes" to Extinguish

Unread postby pghomeowner » Thu Jun 30, 2011 1:21 am

We keep hearing about how business create jobs. Indirectly true. Only through increased consumer demand or consumption of goods is there a need to increase the number of workers a firm has.

HST will not and has not saved mill worker jobs at Rustads, Clear Lake, Tackama, etc. The demand for wood products drops and labour pays the price through mill closures. Look what happened to GM and Chrysler when demand for auto fell, both went bankrupt, thousands of workers were laid off, and if not for the massive Cdn and US gov't bailouts both would be out of business today.

HST will put more money in the pockets of business but it remains to be seen if this will translate into additional employment or lower priced goods. To date there is no evidence of increased employment and the cost of goods has
increased dramatically over the past year in spite of the HST.

The Liberals can use scare tactics on the cost of returning to a PST/GST taxation system but just remember it was the liberal arrogant attitude who created this HST conflict in the first place.
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Re: HST - Vote "Yes" to Extinguish

Unread postby Diahanna » Wed Jun 29, 2011 12:34 am

Bottom-line:$850 million will need to come out of our pockets to balance the budget. They lied, kept us out of forums, and the leader quits, it sounds to me that voting the Liberals in has set us back not ahead. Oh, and by the way, do I still get a tax break for being physically fit???? Buzz words that got us nowhere.
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Re: HST - Vote "Yes" to Extinguish

Unread postby outlooker » Tue Jun 28, 2011 10:03 pm

obviously a lib pap,so name any consumer product that has seen a 7% price reduction,or for that matter,who has gotten a 7% wage increase? so,what are the large corps doing with there new found profits ?( funded off the backs of the average consumers) apparently either going to there shareholders or into there bank accounts. The Hst is nothing but a tax shift from the large and small business's to the consumers.Also anyone who believes Christy Campbell will lower the tax to 10% by 2014 is delusional,as shown by the LIbs 15% personal tax reduction ,promised ( with our tax dollars) and taken back when it didnt save Campbells butt.So DONOT believe the BS coming out of the Libs and there supporters,and vote YES to get rid of this hated tax.
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HST - Vote "Yes" to Extinguish

Unread postby patti » Tue Jun 28, 2011 5:17 pm

The goverment is doing a good job of confusing people. When you get your voting material in the mail, pay close attention to the wording, if you don't want to have the HST anymore then you need to Vote Yes to Extinguish the tax. If you vote NO you will be saying to keep the HST.

All the propaganda out there is really confusing people. They are trying to lure people into keeping the tax by promising to reduce to 10%, but this is again very grey information. They will not reduce it until 2014, that is another 3 years of collecting all our money. Even when it is finally reduced to 10%, there are so many items that would only be at 6% before this HST.

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